Thursday, December 10, 2009

Blustery Beach Vacation

We had the wonderful opportunity to stay the weekend with some friends in Lincoln City, Oregon, a few weeks ago. You might not think that this would be the best time of year to go to the beach, but in Oregon, any time is a good time. Considering the water is never warm enough to really swim in, even in the middle of summer, winter offers some beautiful scenery and great weather watching.
Our friends built their house this year, so it is brand spanking new - and gorgeous! They call it the Knee Deep Beach House - cute, huh. My friend did a great job decorating and furnishing the place. It's a great example of how if you take your time, you can put together a modern, fresh home on a budget. She bought most of the furnishing from places like IKEA, Cost Plus World Market and TJ Maxx. But you'd think that it came from much more expensive stores.

The house is just over the bluff from the beach so it took only 3-4 minutes to walk there. And though it was a little chilly, we had a blast looking at the tide pools and dodging waves. They rent the house out, so I'm sure we'll be back lots of times!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the pics of the starfish! Looks like they're going for a walk, too. :)
